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Training Studio by Skalski Erwin

Training Studio


Wołomin (Poland)

A few words about the project

If you are a personal trainer you have surely sometimes wondered what it would be like to go on your own. The subject raises many questions and doubts: is it worth it, can I manage, can I survive. With your own client base, it is much easier to start a business.


But customers alone do not guarantee success. Before making a final decision, weighing up all the pros and cons, it is worth taking into account some important factors affecting the success of the future business. Our client is a personal trainer who decided to go into business for himself. Earlier this year, he opened a 40-square-metre training studio where he provides 1-on-1 training.


Creating an intimate studio for 1-on-1 training with mentees.

Final result

Based on past experience, the coach knew exactly what equipment he needed for his charges. He chose, among others.

- Half Rack PRO Proud Champion cage

- Air Bike Proud

- Proud Champion Single Pulley adjustable lift with a set of handles

- a set of Hex dumbbells 1-40 kg with Proud Champion rack

- Kettlebell PRO 4-48 kg set with Proud Champion rack

- Slam balls

- Half Ball

- TRX suspension bands

- Specialist barbells - open Hex Bar, truss and Safety Squat Bar PROUD

- 20 kg Olympic Grip

- Set of Olympic weights 5-25 kg

- Proud Champion Light adjustable bench

- PROUD rubber floor

- Training accessories: glute ham roller, gliding discs, battle rope, abdominal muscle wheel, exercise mats


Thank you for the joint project and we wish you many mindful workouts.


Anyone thinking of opening their own training area is welcome to join us in the process:

- for email contact kontakt@proud-group.com 

- visit our SHOWROOM in Warsaw at ul. Grzybowska 87.

Once we have identified the topic, we will present possible concepts with a visualisation of the area. We will also assist in obtaining funding.


We invite you to join us and enjoy an active lifestyle. 


Did you like the implementation? Are you planning a similar one?
We would be happy to help.

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